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PURPLE COLOR SHIFT (known problem)   
Problem with Chrome, Firefox, old versions of Internet Explorer.   
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Purple Color Shift to Purple (a known problem)


As of 06/20/2015 we believe this issue has been resolved. Report to the studio any remaining problems.


Currently there is a known bug (problem) with color reproduction in Chrome and Firefox browsers which has not been reported in Safari or Internet Explorer since very early versions of the Microsoft browser (circa 1993).

How to Fix: the problem is corrected by saving the purple image onto your computer and opening it in an image viewer outside the problem browsers, or have the studio e-mail you the image directly.

Smaller images in directories show color correctly but larger detail images sometimes shift color to purple.

Shown below is an example of the problem followed by an example of a correct larger image.

Technical: the problem is caused by certain browsers inability to display such a wide variety of colors as found in the larger images.

On the other hand, if the Endico studio posted "web safe" images (color restricted) then all of the resulting images would be far from the intensely varied original watercolors even under the best circumstances and in all browsers.

Bob noticed the problem in early Microsoft Internet Explorer and delayed adding images to Mary's website for three years until the problem had been fixed; we are still waiting for the new generation browsers to catch up.

In any case, there is no known reproduction process (digital or otherwise) that can capture the dynamic range of Endico original watercolors.

An original is an original is an original.

As all things in nature, one thing is never precisely another, and reproductions are always easily seen to be flawed when directly compared to the original.

That's just life, and it is why so many people travel to the studio to view Mary's watercolors in person.





this page last updated: 03/05/2020 09:44:33 PM

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